Girls carrying stuff on their heads and goats on the road in Wa - typical site in Ghana! Along with a fun rhyme we heard ALL the time when we were there this past week: Nansala, How are you?, We are fine, Thank you, and you?" Ridiculous! Nansala is another word for white person, and EVERY kid we would walk by would chant this at us, it sounds cute, but it's very annoying by the end of the day. So I got to saying it back at the kids WHILE they would chant it at us, and they would stop and kinda look curious as to why the Nansala was saying it to them, which sometimes worked and sometimes they would just look at us, and then just say it again :)
Andrew and I waiting outside of a "fast car" on our way from Wa back to the Eastern region for our AIDS training. This is at the "lori station", which is the main hub in a city where you go to find a taxi, tro-tro, fast car (basically a more comfortable and reliable tro, seats 14 people) and buses of varying degrees of quality :) You can also buy lots of food off of people's heads at these stations (as well as anywhere in Ghana, for that matter). Andrew is wearing a smock, which is a typical male Ghanian shirt, handwoven, and somewhat pricy, but can be embroidered specifically with beautiful designs. We all called him Jesus for the week when he would wear his crazy hair down :)
My peeps at one of the older mosques in Wa - isn't that so cool! There are a lot that are very run down, but many old ones look like this, built out of mud bricks and are still used!
Largest mosque in Wa - very beautiful! The inside space is very open, where there are no benches, just many many prayer mats. The call to prayer happens five times a day, which I respect, but don't necessarily appreciate at 3:30am... :)
The old mosque is really neat! Do you know what it's made of? There is ONE picture of you :) Good to see your face lady. Are those bowls what you always drink out of or only for the Pito? I love that the bus/lori/transport station's are the same all over the developing world, crazy busy and hectic with vehicles where you can never be sure if you'll even make it to your destination :)Thanks for the photos!