Sarah with our close friends, Matilda and Bahadjia
Me and Bahadjia crack ground nuts.
I show the Ghanaian men that I'm not a prissy white boy.
Our girl students dancing at the Volunteerism Camp in Wa.

With our students in Wa

Me as Simon from Simon Says.
There were only a certain number of things I could tell them to do since they don't have a fantastic English vocabulary. There was a lot of "put your arms up, put your arms down..."
To boost confidence, everyone got a sheet of paper and others got to write nice things about that person.
Our students with out banner for our project in Tarsor/Kulfuo. Sarah was out buying medicine for a sick friend, so she was not there :(
When we cleaned up the market, we also educated with signs and tried to leave them in strategic spots. We crossed our fingers that they wouldn't turn into garbage themselves, but this one that Sarah made was actually kept up by a shop owner!
A worthy replacement for a fire extinguisher holder...
Just a regular walk home from school.
Don't worry, its dead. Still trying to ID it but it's obviously at least 6 feet long and black. All Ghanians think all snakes are cobras. My friend Issah shot this with a shot gun.
Such a proud father with his boys at farm.
The head of this sweet snake!
Sarah holding the snake she was about 2 seconds from wetting herself even though she knew it was dead
A closer look at the inside of his mouth. Sarah wouldn't let me dissect it. I wanted to see what it was eating :-)

Okay wow --- he shot the snake? Yikes!!!