Saturday, January 28, 2012

It’s a small, totally different world after all!

Jordan here: I’ve come to realize that experiences here in Ghana fit into 2 categories: ones that make me say “wow things are completely different here that in America” or “wow things are pretty much the exact same as in America”. I’d like to share a few examples I’ve saved up. As a disclaimer, many of these things are specific to our village and their values.

It’s a small world after all:

1. Junior high-aged girls still go to the bathroom in groups.

2. The stars in the BWCA and at our village knock me off my feet equally.

3. The long series of greetings are all just a formality. In other words if someone asks “How are you?” your response of “I’m good” doesn’t actually necessarily mean you’re in a good mood.

It’s a completely different world here:

1. Proximity of living space is much smaller. In other words, your “bubble” in America in which strangers should not enter doesn’t really exist here.

2. Although homophobia is ever-present, its totally cool for men to walk around holding hands yet male to female displays of affection of any kind are usually avoided. Men sleep in different rooms as their wife/wives.

3. Small boys and girls (anywhere from 2—10 years old) go and buy alcohol, cigarettes, and razors for their parents and no one bats an eye.

I’ve also noticed there are many things you can buy here that are, relative to buying in America, really expensive or really cheap. I’ll try to share some examples we’ve noticed:

Really expensive here:

1. Cheese

2. Hamburgers

3. Pizza

4. Jelly/jam

5. Coffee

6. Apples

7. Chocolate

8. Vegetables

9. Toilet paper

10. Deodorant

11. Shampoo

12. Potato chips

13. Cereal

14. Eggs

15. Electronics

16. New cars

17. Grapes

18. Phone/internet credit

19. Magazines

Really cheap here:

1. Hard alcohol served in, essentially, plastic bags.

2. Breakfast in our village

3. Shea butter

4. Yams

5. Pineapple

6. Tailored clothes

7. Getting shoes fixed

8. Bike repairs

I’m going to keep this thread open, as examples arise all the time. Stay tuned…

1 comment:

  1. Okay chocolate, vegetables, and toilet paper? would be hard not to have those things!

    The thing about the girls going to the bathroom is hilarious!

    And I would LOVE to see the stars there. I bet they are so so bright. Have you seen any shooting stars? You should try to use long exposure on your camera at night to take a few shots :)
