Some home made alfredo with fresh moringa leaves
Girls finishing a race during our villages Sports Week
A student attempting the high jump
Our friend D-Dub
Sarah with D-dub
Another creepy crawly
Compare this pic to old pics of us when we first come to site. This is much more...homie. It's nap time and it's very hot
We transplanted a special grass called vetiver that is internationally used to prevent soil erosion. We plan to use this when it grows for latrine projects and also to protect our dam.
A pile of cashews collected by one member of Kulfuo
After thousands of termites took off from the stump in our yard and began to lose their wings and crawl around, tens of trap door spiders emerged in flashes to gorge themselves on prey. I caught a glimpse of this one as it snapped a termite
One of the flatty spiders with approximately 5 termites.
Yeah, don't know what this is, but they're fast, and freaking creepy looking.

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