Thursday, May 17, 2012

Projects and fun

The frame for my first attempt at a rabbit

Sarah is always a great helper

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I get to build a rabbit hutch with the rabbit group in Kulfuo. Not quite finished yet.

A little more completed

I also get a chance to build a solar food drier. It also is very efficient in drying moringa leaves. Basically just a 2X4 frame with window screen on one side to allow good ventilation.

This is what happens when the giant pan of water on your head gets out of control.

Our eggs, fried cheese, ham, english muffin, and moringa breakfast!!!

A really weird...mushroom?

Me and Issah haul in a giant stick to continue our tree nursery shade building

I play tug of war with Kachifa. Obviously she's a strong one :)

Pumpernickle bread, salmon, cucumber, laughing cow, and other stuff. It was interesting, but tasty

Improvisation when the regulator for our propane isn't perfect.
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  1. Hi Sarah and Jordan-
    This is Grandma Vivian. Do you do have rabbits there? I didn't think they did there. It's been raining lots here and will be for most of memorial day weekend. Lauren is up to visit and some of your family is coming this weekend. I'm sure you are looking forward to your parents and jake's visit. That's gonna be sooo fun! Bet you have many things planned for them. Sadie graduated from UMD two weekends ago and AJ and Lauren are both home from their wisconsin schools for the summer. AJ is working at Madden's this summer at the front desk and Sadie is working at Grand View Lodge in dining services. Lauren hopes to figure out an internship this week (she has interviewed and is waiting for call backs). That's all for now!
    Love you and miss you,
    Grandma Viv
    (and AJ and Lauren)

  2. Ps. Grandma wants lots of pics of Sarah in the next post!!!!
