Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hand washing

I give our Boys/Girls Club a quick explanation of how to build these handwashing stations

We and Issah's family spend a day at the garden

I water the tomatoes we're nursing.

Sarah plucks some moringa leaves in order to dry them for powder or tea.

this was a big laundry day. We had bloody knuckles when we finished.

This is our typical dinner/evening. Food, and rummy.

My prototype for a rabbit nest box. We'll see how effective it turns out, or if the rabbits even use them.

Our 2 school volunteer leaders, Rashid and Zakaria, help us to cut the boards for our school handwashing stations.

The Girls Club wash out the oil jugs so we can fill them with water for hand washing. They of course turned it into a dance and had some fun with it.

I supervise the building by the Boys Club

moving the stations to their final place, this student is really using his head.

They dig the holes for the boards to sit in.

Sarah finds a giant insect that looks devious, and therefore deserves a picture.

The girls fetch the first round of water.

We attach the hangers for the jugs and soap.

Coloring with the kids now includes sidewalk chalk drawings. Its interesting seeing what they drawing with literally a clean slate.

Sarah manages a group of kids at Osman's compound.

This dish is boiled yams and a spicy stew that you dip it into. Very tasty!

The lower primary kids demonstrate how to use the partner handwashing system. It's nice to see these actually being used!

Zakaria explains to his peers the importance of proper sanitation and handwashing.

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