Friday, October 12, 2012

September/October 2012 pictures

Yams, kinda like potatoes grow in mounds here like this!
Mimuni, a friend of mine at his corn farm
This is actually what peanuts grow like
We talk with an agriculture outreach agent about proper spacing of your crops and the importance of knowing the size of your fields
Jordan and the school group bait the bars for a bee hive with bees wax

Then we make it smell sweet by rubbing lemongrass all around it to attract the bees
The top bars are replaced and we're finished baiting
Issah and I transport the grafted mangoes to the general garden project

Jordan gives a small talk about nutrition of mothers and their children.
Now the beehive is ready and in place out in the bush
The three circles represent who is central to the cooking of nutritious foods in the community. It is obviously the mother in our community. This was arranged by RADFORD, a local NGO.

Sarah prepares to janga dance

She enters and starts circling...

showing the characteristic moves

here she comes!

and the butt tapout!

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1 comment:

  1. Wow....crazy to think how many peanut plants you'd need to fill up a bag of peanuts to sell!
