So far no one has arrived. But it's only 10:00, people must be running behind...no biggy
Jordan takes a little nap to rest up since of course the communities will be showing up any minute...
We wait a little more...11:00am

Our first human guests to arrive...
Our first human guests to leave to Tumu...
Finally the community starts to show up. A woman gives an excited 'whistle' that is basically a loud high pitch shrill scream
We start things off with a little dance that somehow looks like the opening to our thriller dance..
The chief representative from Kulfuo
I give my presentation to the joined communities about our mission and our goals for the community.
Sarah talks about her thoughts for changing the education mindset for the village and how we can all pitch in.
After our presentation, we get our gifts...freakin' awesome smocks!
I can't wait to wear this in the states...in the winter of course. In the summer I'll pass out of heat

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