Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Back at home away from home...almost!

Jordan here:
Well we just about to leave to head back to our site from Accra.  We’re pretty pumped to get back to seeing our friends back in the Upper West Region.  There will be some adjustments getting back to no electricity, pumping and hauling all our water and filtering the drinking water, washing our clothes by hand, bad phone reception, etc. Etc, but it won’t be bad at all.  We’ve now gone from the village, back home, and on our way back to the village, and both places, we’ve confirmed have their pros and cons.  It was amazing being back in America.  We really made use of just about every single minute while there.  We saw lots of family and friends who gave us that boost of confidence in supporting comments and warm embraces.  It’s well understood that our Peace Corps service has its ups and downs.  Sometimes they’re quite extreme.  But this month back in the USA was really reviving.  It gave us a chance to reflect, organize, and plan for our last 8 months. 
    While at home we had some great chances to achieve Peace Corps’ 3rd Goal.  That is, we got many chances to share our PC experience and talk about life in Ghana.  We spoke at 4 different schools, 6 different grades, 2 church services, and throw in a church youth group, totalling almost 1000 people.  If we would have unlimited time to talk to people, we wouldn’t be back yet!  We loved the support and excitement about what we are doing.  It was wonderful being back for the holidays too.  Christmas is such a special season for us, and it’s no better than when you’re with family and friends.  We got a chance to embrace the cold (yes, we actually like our winters, at least 30 days of it) and get some skiing and sledding in.  And I got a chance to watch some football!  Glad I was there for the awesome Vikings game and not home for the cruddy one :-( 
      Now we’re packing up all our stuff (a lot of packaged food from home, thanks Moms!) and on the way out the door.  We hope to get some new pictures from us.  For now, maybe my mom can upload some of hers of us back home.  If anyone is new to following the blog, we’d love to hear your comments, and glad you’re joining us for this wonderful experience.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you guys made it back safely. It was great to see you while you were here...heck, I even got a new car out of the deal :-)
    p.s. Garrett said if you were cheering for the "right" team, you'd have a different view on the cruddy game!!
