Sunday, March 24, 2013

You know its hot when...

You know it’s hot when...
-    Putting Gold Bond on your heat rash has become as normal as brushing your teeth in the morning and at night
-    You lay down in bed at 9:30pm to read for a little bit, and getting up 10 minutes later leaves a human-shaped sweat imprint on your sheets
-    You think the temperature is 90oF and it’s actually 117oF
-    This new knowledge of the actual temperature makes you feel even more hot
-    You feel like your sweat is sweating
-    You can’t write anything on paper, because leaving your hand on the paper for longer than a few seconds leaves a sweaty hand print
-    You have dreams about laying on ice cubes
-    The dinner routine is as follows: set the table, sit down and say a prayer, take off your shirt (and/or shorts in most cases) and eat
-    Rolling over in bed causes you to break out in sweat
-    Your students point out how much you are sweating...during classtime...
-    Your clothes are dry even as you remove them from washing them
-    Even Ghanaians are complaining about how hot it is!

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